Monday 19 April 2010

Iceland volcano!!

This year has been the year for tectonic hazards. In fact I am thinking of re-writing my 'Risky Planet' SOW to include only examples from the last year. Possibly a stretch but there have been major hazards so far this year - Haiti, Chile & Tsunami, China and now the eruption at Eyjafjallajoekull - Iceland. Maybe the film 2012 has a point?

With lots of stuff flying around the Internet I thought I would post some of the good stuff and where to keep yourself up-to-date:

The trusty BBC website lots of news as the Volcano erupts.

The maps are quite interesting on where the ash is falling and changing wind patterns. This map shows the spread of the ash cloud and flights that have happened today:

Icelandic Blog

OK, now it may not be in English but important part is the webcams - scroll the page and there are quite a lot about the many volcanoes in Iceland

Another very useful place to look at pictures of the eruption is Flickr. I will post about the usefulness of Flickr later as it very useful for finding excellent interesting pictures.

These two people have taken pictures of the eruption - have a look and be impressed!!

This is one I really like:

Finally a bit of fun - this comes from MSN and is a photogallery of volcanic sunsets!!
Mr. Still

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