Monday, 16 March 2009

What's up this week....

Year 11

Only 12 lessons left (scary). It does not need to be said that we are up against it. It is imperative that you attend revision sessions as this will be the difference between a 'C' grade or 'D' grade. We look at Glaciation; landforms and human uses of glaciated areas. See the website for the powerpoints and material used in this weeks lesson. Mr. McCrae is doing the revision lesson this week on Managing Resources.

Year 10

We continue moving solidlily through industry this week and mainly focus on case studies primarily on heavy and hi-tech. We will also look a little bit at what Governments have done when industry is no longer profitable.

Year 9

What a lot of hot air, its wind power continued this week. A decision-making exercise and then a look at how and why resource and energy use has increased over time.

Year 8

The development unit is developing nicely and we look at how we can measure how developed different countries are. This will invlove looking at different indicators and playing blockbusters and a generation game conveyor belt flag type game. Also we will play development trumps later in the week. Next week is the week of games!!

Year 7

We continue following Charley and Ewan's journey down through Africa. We stop off in Sudan and Ethiopia this week. In Sudan we create our own animals which have to be specially adapted to live in the desert. In Ethiopia we investgate why the country is so suseptible to famine. We examine the role of drought and human factors.

Mr. Still

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