Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Migration resources

Year 9

Here is a collection of resources for you to use when you revise for you end of unit population test.

India case study - a population policy to reduce population growth rates - people were restricted to two children. This has led to many female babies being killed

Article on female children

Audio file: the author of the article discusses the problems facing India's women

Aging population in the UK - very useful case study (link below)

Aging populations in the UK: the problems and the benefits

Migration - useful website discussing different types of migrants with small-scale personal case studies

Migration website

Mexico to USA case study

Christina's story of her migration to the USA from Mexico

Article about young mexicans being exploited in the USA

Following on from what we discussed on Thursday - here is a clip from the BBC documentary 'the Poles are coming' - lots of useful information. This helps you to really see the other persons point of view!

The Poles are coming!!

Final link - use the Healing Geography Department website for the basic material you must revise/know/understand

Link to the Geogrpahy department website

Finally - watch the German car advert (scroll down on blog). Revision is very important. Get into good habits and it will become easier when it really counts!

Mr. Still

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