There some quite exicitng developments this week:
1. The lauch of the Geography Challenge
A prize will be given out each week to the winner selected at random from all the correct answers who can guess the location of the photograph. In Mr. Still and Mr. McCrae's classrooms will be a plastic wallet where you can place your answer.
2. The launch of weathering recording
A weather station hopefully will be placed in the school grounds and we will select a couple or either year 7 or year 8 at random to collect and read data for us. This means that over the course of the year we can record the data and year 8 can use it for part of their work later in the year.
Year 7
A whole variety of different lessons, some of you are teaching each other and yourselves. Others of you are performing presentations or designing posters. Advance notice: your end of unit exam on Map Skills and Settlement will be in the last week of the half term.
Year 8
We are approaching the end of the tectonic hazard unit and are going to move on and look at another kind of hazard: terrorism. Advance notice: your end of unit exam on Italy and Hazards will be in the last week of the half term.
Year 9
We continue with our look at TNCs and Globalisation. We study the advantages and disadvantages of TNCs for the host country. We will also study the influence of ICT and the spread of call centres across the globe.
Year 10
We continue to look at tectonic hazards in LEDC's and MEDC's and some of the differences in repsonses to them.
Year 11
The final sprint is almost upon us. We start to look at different case studies associated with global travel. We also look at the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism.